Write about Conte.ai

Learn more about what sets us apart from the competition when it comes to developing social media content.


Year founded2022
HQLondon, UK
1st Floor, 3-5 St. John Street, London EC1M 4AA United Kingdom.
Lois Osborne
Head of Public Relations
Write about Conte.ai
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Our story

Our story

Conte.ai 's founders worked hard to figure out what business owners really want and need in terms of social media management: delegate as many tasks as possible to keep business profiles afloat on a limited budget.

Our mission

Conte.ai's goal is to help business owners achieve a better work-life balance by removing the burdens of creating for several channels as well as general administration, which involves designing a content strategy, posting, and tracking statistics, among other things.
Our story

The 3 reasons why Conte.ai's proprietary content creation system is unique

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Ecosystem isn't always about the environment
Conte.ai’s team effectively manages several profiles of a single business so it reaches wider audiences. We create a uniform content strategy for each of our users so that their social media profiles convey a single message reflecting their true brand identity on social media.
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The two-for-one deal you will benefit from
Our tech-savvy founders managed to strike the perfect balance between the area of expertise for human intelligence and the field of responsibility for AI. Our creatives with years of expertise are empowered by proprietary AI tools that let Conte.ai render services faster and cheaper.
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We never stop halfway: going all the way through
It’s rather difficult to delegate social media management. Even if one managed to outsource content creation, there’s still posting and tracking analytics that remain. Conte.ai will take up the whole cycle of social media management: from ideation to posting.

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